Date: September 27, 2020

Location: “Cristo Salvador” Cathedral (Ávila, Spain)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

16:30  Opening Presentation of Conference

17:00  Opening Address Dr. Juan Antonio Marcos «Teresa of Jesus: an irregular verb (Why does she continue to captivate us?)»

18:00  Holy Mass in “Cristo Salvador” Cathedral, Avila (video retransmission)


Dates:   12 -15 April 2021.

Location:   “Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila”, Spain.

Monday, 12 April 2021:

13:00   Holy Mass in the Church of Saint Teresa “La Santa” (Live Streaming).

16:00   Opening ceremony. Presentation of documents to “in person” participants

16:30   Welcome message

17:00   Opening address. Cardinal Aquilino Bocos.

  • «La reforma teresiana y nuestra reforma. La inolvidable lección de la primera Doctora de la Iglesia» (*).
  • «The Teresian Reform and Our Reform. The Unforgettable Lesson of the First Woman Doctor of the Church».

18:00   Lecture. Dr. Emilio Martínez OCD

  • «Aquí todas se han de amar. Palabras teresianas para la vida consagrada».
  • «Here All Must Love One Another. Teresa’s Words for the Consecrated Life».

20:00 h. Theatrical presentation:  “Scenes from Saint Teresa of Avila’s Life” (Live Streaming)

Tuesday, 13 April 2021:

8:30h. Holy Mass in the Monastery of the Incarnation (Live Streaming).

16:00   Lecture. Dr. Silvano Giordano OCD

  • «¿Cómo llegó Teresa de Jesús a ser primera doctora de la Iglesia? Apuntes para la historia de su  magisterio».
  • «¿How Did Teresa Become the First Woman Doctor of the Church?  Historical Notes for Her Teachings».

17:00   Lecture Dr. Rómulo Cuartas Londoño OCD:

  • «Santa Teresa de Jesús y San Pablo VI. Dos modelos de Santidad».
  • «Saint Teresa of Jesus and Saint Paul VI. Two Models of Sanctity».

18:00   Communiqués / Presentations of Academic Papers and Research Group A Group B

Wednesday, 14 April 2021:

8:30h. Holy Mass in the Convent of Saint Joseph.

16:00   Lecture Prof. Dr. Marianne Schlosser:

  • «Sentido eclesial de la declaración de una mujer maestra de oración como doctor de la Iglesia. El rostro femenino de la Iglesia».
  • «Ecclesial Meaning of the Declaration of a Woman as a Doctor of the Church and Her Teachings on Prayer».

17:00    Lecture Dr. Beatriz de Ancos Morales:

  • «El misticismo realista español en la literatura teresiana: Las Fundaciones».
  • «Spanish Realist Mysticism in Teresian Literature: Foundations».

18:00 Communiqués / Presentations of Academic Papers and Research Group A Group B

20:00 h. Dramatic musical presentation about Saint Teresa of Avila at her Birth Home. (Live Streaming)

Jueves, 15 April 2021:

16:00   Lecture Prof. Dr. Burkard M. Zapff:

  • «Aspectos de una espiritualidad femenina en el Antiguo Testamento». 
  • «Aspects of Feminine Spirituality in the Old Testament».

16:45   Lecture Prof. Dr. Lothar Wehr:       

  • «Las mujeres y sus tareas en las iglesias del apóstol Pablo». 
  • «Women and their Duties in churches during the Times of the Apostle Paul».

17:30   Cardinal Dr. Ricardo Blázquez Pérez:

  • «Santa Teresa de Jesús ‘Maestra de espirituales’ para nuestro tiempo». 
  • «Saint Teresa of Jesus ‘Teacher of Spiritualities’ for Our Times».

18:30   Conclusions and Closing Ceremony

20:00   Holy Mass in the Church of Saint Teresa “La Santa”  (Live Streaming)

(*) Please note that the conference opening address and lectures will be delivered in the language that is listed first, in black lettering. Simultaneous translations to English, German and Spanish, will be offered to participants as needed.